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The information contained in this section is for adviser and wholesale investor use only.
The Allan Gray Australia Funds are available for investment by New Zealand retail clients.
To comply with New Zealand law, our website provides information only about Allan Gray Australia Funds. We do not provide advice to New Zealand retail clients.
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US persons are not generally permitted to invest in the Allan Gray Australia Funds. However, we will accept applications from US persons who are genuine residents of Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.
In a recent survey by Wealth Insights, advisers rated the Allan Gray & Orbis Investment Forum as the fund manager event in which they had the ‘greatest interest in re-attending’. Our Forum also rated second for being the ‘most beneficial/informative’ event. We were thrilled with the feedback we received from our whirlwind 11 location investment forum roadshow.
If you weren’t able to attend in person, we are pleased to be able to provide you with a link so you can watch the recording of our Melbourne event at your leisure. Analysis presented showed that valuations for nearly all sectors are significantly above historical forward price/earnings ratios, based on weekly weighted average sector valuations since 2000 and spoke to why investors need to be discerning.
If you have any questions, please contact your local business development manager, or our Client Services team on 1300 604 604 or
Equity Trustees Limited ABN 46 004 031 298, AFSL No. 240975 is the issuer of units in the Allan Gray Australia Balanced Fund ARSN 615 145 974, Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund ARSN 117 746 666 and Allan Gray Australia Stable Fund, ARSN 149 681 774 (Allan Gray Funds) and units in the Orbis Global Equity Fund (Australia registered) ARSN 147 222 535, Orbis Global Equity LE Fund (Australia registered) ARSN 613 753 030 and Orbis Global Balanced Fund (Australia registered) ARSN 615 545 170 (Orbis Funds). Allan Gray Australia Pty Limited ABN 48 112 316 168, AFSL No. 298487 is the investment manager of the Allan Gray Funds.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. There are risks involved with investing and the value of your investments may fall as well as rise. This represents Allan Gray Australia Pty Limited and Orbis Investment Advisory Pty Limited’s view at a point in time and may provide reasoning or rationale on why we bought or sold a particular security for the Allan Gray or Orbis Funds or our clients. We may take the opposite view/position from that stated, as our view may change. If this article is authored by Orbis, it does not prohibit the Orbis Funds from dealing in the securities before or after this article is published. This article constitutes general advice or information only and not personal financial product, tax, legal, or investment advice. It does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or individual needs of any particular person and may not be appropriate for you. We have tried to ensure that the information here is accurate in all material respects, but cannot guarantee that it is.
You should consider the relevant funds’ Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or Information Memorandum (IM), as applicable, before acquiring, holding or disposing units in the Allan Gray or Orbis Funds. The PDS or IM can be obtained from and Target Market Determinations (TMDs) for the Allan Gray products can be found at, while TMDs for the Orbis Funds can be found at on the ‘Forms’ page under ‘How to Invest’. Each TMD sets out who an investment in the relevant Allan Gray or Orbis Funds might be appropriate for and the circumstances that trigger a review of the TMD.
Managed investment schemes are generally medium to long-term investments. They are traded at prevailing prices and the value of units may go down as well as up. There are risks with investing the Fund and there is no guarantee of repayment of capital or return on your investment. Subject to relevant disclosure documents, managed investments can engage in borrowing and securities lending. A schedule of fees and charges is available in the PDS.