Welcome to Allan Gray Australia.
We want to ensure you get the right experience for you.
Individual Investors
Discover the Allan Gray difference. Learn more about our Funds including performance and download offer documents.
Financial Advisers
The information contained in this section is for adviser and wholesale investor use only.
Retail Investors
The Allan Gray Australia Funds are available for investment by New Zealand retail clients.
To comply with New Zealand law, our website provides information only about Allan Gray Australia Funds. We do not provide advice to New Zealand retail clients.
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The website is primarily designed for Australian investors.
US persons are not generally permitted to invest in the Allan Gray Australia Funds. However, we will accept applications from US persons who are genuine residents of Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.
Making an investment
Product Disclosure Statements including Application Forms
Target Market Determinations (TMD)
Important information to read with the PDS and TMD
Identification documents
Transacting on an existing account
Making changes to your account
Product updates
PDS updates
On 8 October 2024, annual amendments were made to the:
- Allan Gray Australia Balanced Fund
- Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund – Class A
- Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund – Class B
- Allan Gray Australia Stable Fund
- Allan Gray Australia Information Booklet
These amendments reflect:
- an annual fee update and clarification of indirect cost wording
- clarification of the investment objective
- clarification regarding borrowing restrictions
- clarification regarding roles and responsibilities between the investment manager and the responsible entity
Please contact Allan Gray Australia if you have any queries regarding these amendments.
Risk Measures
For the 2024/2025 financial year the risk measures for the Allan Gray Australia Funds are as follows:
- Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund – High
- Allan Gray Australia Balanced Fund – Medium to High
- Allan Gray Australia Stable Fund – Low to Medium.
Change to unit registrar
With effect from 1 October 2023, the unit registrar for the Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund – Class A and B, Allan Gray Australia Balanced Fund and Allan Gray Australia Stable Fund is SS&C Solutions Pty Limited.
Risk Measures
For the 2023/2024 financial year the risk measures for the Allan Gray Australia Funds are as follows:
- Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund – High
- Allan Gray Australia Balanced Fund – Medium to High
- Allan Gray Australia Stable Fund – Low to Medium.
Switches between funds
We offer switches between each of the Allan Gray Australia Funds and Class A and Class B of the Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund. If you wish to make a switch, please complete this switch form.