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The Allan Gray Australia Funds are available for investment by New Zealand retail clients.
To comply with New Zealand law, our website provides information only about Allan Gray Australia Funds. We do not provide advice to New Zealand retail clients.
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The website is primarily designed for Australian investors.
US persons are not generally permitted to invest in the Allan Gray Australia Funds. However, we will accept applications from US persons who are genuine residents of Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.
Responsible investing at Allan Gray Australia
As part of our investment philosophy and process, we conduct our own assessment of each company’s intrinsic value and invest in those companies that we believe are undervalued by the market. We assess intrinsic value with reference to our calculation of the present value of a company’s potential future cash flows. Among other things, this involves a consideration of all the risks to a company’s ability to generate future cash flows, including ESG-related risks.
We form our own view as to the materiality of the identified risks and then whether they are adequately reflected in a company’s share price. We will not invest in a company if we believe the share price is not sufficiently discounted to reflect all identified material risks.
Our approach to ESG issues and risks mirrors our approach to other potential risks to a company’s future cash flows. We first assess materiality and then whether all identified material risks are adequately reflected in the company’s share price.
Allan Gray
Our investment process
Proxy voting
When exercising our proxy voting rights, our guiding principle is to act in what we believe to be the long-term financial interests of our clients as a whole. We consider all aspects of proposals being put to vote. This includes broader social and political ramifications, but always in the context of their impact on the long-term value of the companies in which the portfolios are invested. We vote on all resolutions that we consider important, but we do not have a prescriptive set of rules for proxy voting, as we believe this would limit our flexibility to maximise our clients’ interests.
Active engagement
Where we elect to invest in an entity, one of our key stewardship tools is company engagement. Much of our time is spent revisiting our investment theses and as a result, actively engaging with companies on issues we consider are material, and where engagement is an effective use of our time. We believe active engagement with a company is crucial. Not only can it protect investment returns, but it can also enhance them. To hold companies to account and to properly engage with management and/or boards on the above, we must first ensure we have a thorough understanding of each company and its practices. We track our ESG engagements as part of our continuous review and monitoring of companies.
Read more on Responsible Investing
Allan Gray Australia is a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), an independent body, supported by the United Nations, which is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment. To read about our approach, download a copy of our Statement on Responsible Investing, our Public Transparency report and our Public Assessment report. Information regarding the PRI assessment methodology is available at www.unpri.org. Our Stewardship report and Modern Slavery Statement are also available for download.